We make the best decisions we are capable of making at the time. Often times our instincts are right - I am pretty good at going with my gut, and this time I felt it was the right thing to do. I also trusted my gut when the ER doc looked to me to make the call about X-Rays. I knew by then it wasn't necessary.
We had a sweet weekend, Ellie and I. She and I walked home alone from a birthday party and stopped and sat a few times. I practiced my breathing and reminded her I am always here for her. We were present. I held her on the couch and calmed her (and myself) while I tried to assess the situation with her neck. We took some deep breaths. I held her in the ER as she was terrified and kissed her sweet, beautiful face. When it was all over I got her McDonalds and myself a coffee and we ate. She was happy. I was relieved. We walked to the neighbors and cut rhubarb to make rhubarb bars (she in her Easy Bake Oven), but by then the adrenaline had faded and I was having trouble focusing and ended up having to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies first when we creamed the butter and sugar. By 3:00 when Shawn and the twins got home, I collapsed on the couch. It is amazing how stress zaps every last fiber of our being. I half deep breathed/slept/listened to the girls play around me. It was a very outer-body experience - a place between wake and sleep, but I was rejuvenated and ready for my Sunday evening Yakima Yoga meeting. We are almost there. I have done all I can do and as we discussed changes to the website and the finishing touches to the promotional materials, I felt good. I don't know what the future holds, but tonight as we signed all the paperwork at the bank, I feel like I have done my homework and can stand behind Yoga Management LLC - whatever path it takes me down. As I missed bedtime (again) tonight because as I am learning, none of these quick tasks are actually quick, I could feel myself spiraling down the path of guilt. It was short-lived. It Takes a Village. Thank you Hilary Clinton. My husband, my friends, my family - everyone is pitching in as I juggle this new role. I am so grateful. The connection my daughters are developing with their dad is beautiful. It is so freeing for me to let go - to loosen those reigns and trust that this is the best thing for all of us.
My friend (I am not sure the etiquette of blogging, but I don't think you are supposed to name names) is a fabulous cook (on Saturday she presented a plate of grilled vegetables that would have made The Barefoot Contessa weep). She gave me this recipe from Bon Appetite. I have made it once and last night Shawn whipped it up. It is sooooo easy (think 10 minutes) and so unbelievably good: Asian Shrimp, Pineapple, And Peanut Salad.
It is rhubarb season. I made these rhubarb bars several times last year. I have a few new rhubarb recipes that I hope to break out before it comes and goes, but sometimes the old stand-bys are best (well, easiest)
Oatmeal Rhubarb Streusal Bars
3 cups oatmeal
2 cups flour
1 1/4 c brown sugar
2 sticks butter
1/2 c. sugar
1/4 c. flour
1 tsp ground ginger
4-5 cups sliced rhubarb
Ginger icing, and 1 Tbsp finely chopped crystallized ginger
Preheat oven to 350. Line 15 x 10 (you could probably use 13 x 9 I just happen to have a larger pan) with heavy foil extended beyond pan edges.
In large bowl, stir together oats, 2 c. flour, and b. sugar. Cut in butter until coarse crumbs form. Reserve 2 cups oat mixture. Press remaining on bottom of pan and bake for 20 minutes.
As that bakes, stir together remaining sugar, flour and ginger and add rhubarb, toss to coat. Spread on hot crust and sprinkle rest of oat mixture on top and press lightly.
Bake for 30 minutes until filling is slightly bubbly (it won't be very bubbly, so don't overbake, maybe even 28 minutes). Cool, then drizzle with icing (1/2 c. powdered sugar, 3-4 tsps milk) and top with crystallized ginger. Lift from pan, cut into bars (they are kind of hard to cut). Store in refrigerator.
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